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1 Bali Simbar Font for PC (b_simbar.ttf) - incompatible to Mac-OS for the moment. Created by I Made Suatjana Dipl Ing. Install from your Windows® Control Panel. In zip and ttf format.
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zip ttf
2 MS® Word template for the keyboard masks (bali-b.dot). A keyboard mapper to enable you writing documents using Bali Simbar [1] font. In zip and dot format.
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zip dot
3 User guide for [1] and [2] - in Bahasa Indonesia (bacalah.doc). Instructions on using the Bali Simbar Font [1] and the document template [2] You must first install the fonts [1] to read this short guide. In zip and doc. format.
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zip doc
4 All of the above in Zip format (axbali.zip) - Package of the [1], [2], and [3]
196 Kb
5 Zipped of Kawi Times New Roman Fonts (kwtnr.zip) - Another variant of Times New Roman Font to be used to write Kawi / old Javanese script.
126 Kb