Balinese Script Smart Font

Outline Drawing Softwares : FontLab, Macromedia Fontographer These software enable developers to draw glyphs for Balinese characters.
OpenType is the technology to enable advanced glyph placement, for example: positioning ULU above NYA OpenType Softwares : Microsoft VOLT
Glyph Reordering API: Graphite, Microsoft’s Uniscribe, IBM’s ICU (International Classes for Unicode). OpenType does not handle character placement (for instance: TALENG should be positioned before the syllable). Therefore, other technology is required to do the task.


Steps on Developing Smart Font

Draw each Balinese character glyph one by one. There are about 200 glyphs to be drawn.
Define glyph's category:  
Programming those glyphs using OpenType:
Anchor attachment: e.g. positioning SUKU and SUKU ILUT
Ligature: e.g. gantungan BA and SUKU
Above-based positioning: aligning position of ULU corresponding to different widths of consonants.
Programming those glyphs using IBM ICU: Conduct reordering: e.g. TALENG moved to position before the syllable


Balinese Script Keyboard Driver Development

Keyboard Driver Programming : Keyman, Microsoft’s Input Method Editor (IME) After the development, those softwares will enable the typing of Balinese Script.